You've cleaned your pantry, organized your closet, and even rearranged your medicine cupboard alphabetically. What's next? Your make-up bag of course! We asked Ellie the owner of The Big Blow salon about cleaning our makeup brushes. Ellie: Whenever I am talking about makeup, doing someone's makeup or giving a private lesson, most women feel somewhat embarrassed to tell me they don't clean their makeup brushes enough. I too, am guilty of not cleaning them enough (my personal ones that is!) When we are working and our brushes are used between clients we have alcohol based spray solutions that work quickly. This of course is necessary for safety and hygiene. With your own brushes it's a different story. You don't need expensive cleaners from makeup companies or strong alcohol based solutions. These are your brushes that go on your face almost every day. Treat them well like you do your own hair and skin. I use mild, good quality shampoo; you only need a little. Rinse the excess makeup off each brush. Add a little shampoo to a small dish of warm water. Dip each brush in one at a time and gently massage the bristles until you see the makeup lifting. Change the soapy water if it gets too dirty. Rinse the brushes under warm water until it runs clear. If you haven't cleaned them for a long time you may have to wash them twice. Then with your thumb and forefinger squeeze the excess water out. Lay the brushes out flat on a clean towel to dry. There you go—clean, great smelling brushes. As for how often you should wash them—ideally once a week. Make it a Sunday night ritual. Put on a face mask, wash your brushes, and indulge in a little self-care.
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